Handloom Weavers, Madhya Pradesh


Our chambray cushion covers are woven by a group of female weavers in Madhya Pradesh, central India. The group was set up by a social enterprise whose aim is to create sustainable livelihoods for local women. It does this through training them in weaving and then employing them to work on commissions for Indian and international brands. Inspired by Gandhi’s vision of a sustainable rural economy, it sources its yarn from local organic cotton farmers and weaves it into fabric on looms that are powered entirely by hand. A lot of its yarn is dyed using natural pigments, making the entire production process chemical free and CO2 neutral.

As well as training women in weaving, this organisation offers educational programmes in basic business skills, such as IT, English and design, so that weavers can become entrepreneurs. It also partners with a healthcare NGO to provide eyecare and glasses to its weavers. The NGO offers training to some of these women so that they can act as eye care consultants in their communities.

Shop products woven by this organisation here.